Action from the Minor and Intermediate sections of the Thanet Congress. Eagle-eyed local players should be able to spot a few Thanet regulars. You might need the original photograph to identify the four Broadstairs players but good luck!
So far we’ve seen one game from the Open and one from the Inter so here is one from the Minor submitted by Alan Brewis, who says he is ‘keen on weaker players sharing games – but they rarely do’, adding that ‘there is more to gain than lose’. I think we would all agree with that whatever our level.
Alan is one of the organisers of Herts Congress to be played on November 7th/8th www.hertschesscongress.com – ‘great venue and facilities’, he says. (It should be added that Alan described the Thanet Congress in similar glowing terms.)
White: Alan Brewis (90) Black: Alan Fraser (107)
Thanet Chess Congress 2015